Are you a truth seeker, desiring to walk in Faith? 

Together we learn about faith in Christ, conscious relating on our walk, what it means to be a child of God, dating, marriage and His purpose for us.

Recent MooD Lab Episodes…

HEy You! I am Carina.

I’m the host of Mood Lab Podcast, a speaker, marketer and most of all a Daughter of God.

One of my biggest passions is to encourage women in their biological and God given ways.


  • I listened to the whole podcast last night. YOU DID SUCH A GREAT JOB! I loved your intro. You’re really easy to listen to. You ask great questions. Yet you don’t dominate the conversation or cut off your guest. You’re affirming. What a great host. And I’m so impressed that you put chapters in, and a nice bio for me on the landing page. Thank you for such a great experience. I’m looking forward to sharing it with my followers.

    Michelle - Heybeginnerwife

  • I’m super impressed with you, Carina. The world needs more of you. Grateful we met! Keep up doing what you’re doing. People need it. And you have such a positive energy!

    Adam M Allred

  • I re-listened. Such a great conversation. Again, thanks for having me on it was a pleasure. I pray many people get to listen and that your podcast and business become beyond successful.

    Germán Salinas