Prioritising Love & Family

A Guide for Women Dreaming of Their Own Families

In a world where personal and professional ambitions often take center stage, many women find themselves longing for a different kind of fulfillment: love and family. If you're dreaming of starting your own family and want to prioritize these aspects in your life, this guide is here to help. We’ll explore practical tips, valuable resources, and inspiring books, all aligned with Christian values, to support your journey toward love and family life.


Feeling the tug of desire for a family of your own? You're not alone. Many women are navigating the complexities of modern life while holding onto the dream of love and family. This guide offers practical advice and resources to help you prepare for this significant life chapter, all rooted in Christian principles. From effective planning to recommended readings, we'll cover everything you need to prioritize love and family in your future.

Why Prioritise Love and Family?

  • Fulfilling Relationships: Building strong, loving relationships sets the foundation for a happy family life.

  • Future Planning: Preparing for family life now can lead to more seamless transitions when the time comes.

  • Emotional Satisfaction: The anticipation and preparation for love and family bring a sense of purpose and joy.

  • Spiritual Growth: Nurturing a family according to Christian values strengthens your faith and aligns your life with biblical teachings.

Practical Tips for Women Dreaming of Their Own Families

1. Define Your Vision

Take some time to envision what your ideal family life looks like. Consider the values and dynamics that are important to you. This clarity will guide your decisions and actions.

2. Focus on Self-Improvement

Prepare yourself for future family life by working on personal growth. This includes emotional intelligence, financial stability, and physical well-being. Strong foundations make for a stronger family.

3. Build a Support Network

Cultivate a network of friends and family who share your values and can provide support. This network will be invaluable as you navigate the journey toward building your own family.

4. Educate Yourself

Learn about relationships, parenting, and family dynamics through books, courses, and workshops. Being well-informed will equip you with the knowledge needed for a successful family life.

5. Seek Like-Minded Partners

When dating, look for partners who share your desire for faith, love and family. Compatibility in these fundamental areas is crucial for long-term happiness.

Resources to Support Your Journey

1. The Bible

The Bible offers timeless wisdom and guidance on relationships, love, and family. Regularly reading and reflecting on scripture can provide you with spiritual strength and clarity as you prepare for family life.

2. Mood Lab Podcast

Hosted by Carina Jung, the Mood Lab podcast dives into faith in Christ, conscious relating on our walk, what it means to be a child of God, dating, marriage and His purpose for us. Listening to the podcast can provide valuable insights and encouragement as you prepare for your future family.

3. Community

Join a community focused on family values and relationships. These relationships can provide support, advice, and a sense of belonging as you prepare for your future family.

Must-Read Books for Women Preparing for Love and Family

To further support your journey, here are some insightful books that delve into the importance of love, family, and building a fulfilling life, all aligned with Christian values:

1. A Case Against the Sexual Revolution by Louise Perry

Perry explores the impact of the sexual revolution on women and argues for a return to more traditional values concerning love and family.

2. How to Build a Better Life by Suzanne Venker

Venker provides practical advice on creating a balanced and meaningful life, emphasizing the importance of family and personal integrity, all through a Christian lens.

3. Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot

Elliot offers a heartfelt exploration of womanhood, marriage, and family, drawing on her personal experiences and Christian faith.

4. Moral Revolution by Kris Vallotton and Jason Vallotton

This book challenges contemporary views on sexuality and relationships, advocating for moral integrity and strong family values in line with biblical teachings.

Wrapping Up

Dreaming of your own family is a beautiful aspiration, and preparing for it now can set you on the path to success. By defining your vision, focusing on self-improvement, and utilizing valuable resources, you can create a solid foundation for your future family. Dive into the recommended books and listen to the wonderful guests on the Mood Lab podcast for further inspiration and guidance, and remember, every step you take today brings you closer to the love and family you desire. Embrace the journey with faith and trust in God's plan for you.


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